Monday, February 1, 2010


After the hassle of 2 trial class, mommy paid for the whole set of ballet costume and enroll Eeanne for ballet.

First mommy made an enquiry at A ballet center, this center is really pack and the ambience is not so welcoming. Then we made another enquiry at B ballet center, Eeanne likes the trial class here and mommy likes the ambience and teacher too:-) But here they sell the costume at a bit high price, RM200 for the whole set (dress, can can, stocking and shoe), so to save the money, mommy went back to the A center to get the set at RM100 only, of course the quality is much "kiam siap" ho, mommy thought of in a short while the costume will be out of size, so a cheaper one will be a saving. This cheaper set comes with short stocking and in white, so mommy bought a long stocking from B center cost RM 35. All the students in B center are with pink costume, so this makes Eeanne a bit outstanding, anyway, never mind la....soon sure we need to get a bigger size :-P

Eeanne really has the talent in dancing and daring too. Even at the 1st trial class, Eeanne didn't need mommy to be around in the room and paid full attention to teacher.

Eeanne followed very well on each step that teacher led, it is so entertaining peeping through the door looking at Eeanne twisting and turning for 45 minutes. She is really cute!

Dressing up and getting ready for the 1st trial class

See...I'm following through.... buttock is too heavy, I can't do this post.
Eik, eik...can't stand up la...


My Happy Family

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