Wednesday, November 18, 2009

"Thought" - the product of Mind

Last Sat, mommy and daddy attended a dharma talk by Bhante Aggacitta at SS3, during mommy's pregnancy (can't recall the month), mommy attended a talk by Bhante Aggacitta too at BGF, that was the first time Eeanne exposed to dharma talk inside mommy's womb.

Here is some insight that mommy would like to share with Eeanne, hopefully this will help you in your life when you have read this one day.

2 take home lessons from Bhante Aggacitta's talk:

1) Our thought is usually at either one of these 2 states: (1) Idle state (2) Productive state
Majority of the time, our thought is at Idle state, at this Idle state, our thought is either doing its assumption, imagination or false belief, which we called it not mindful.
So always watch your thought and bring it to Productive state, by practising this, eventually will lead us to a better quality of life.
The interpretation of quality of life = the way we react to our six senses.

2) Useful tool in making decision on almost everything: BAR Test
B - Benefit
A - Appropriate
R - Relavant / Realistic
Eg. When our thought is in Idle state, apply the BAR test, is the "thought" bring Benefit to what you are doing? Is it Appropriate to what you are doing now? and lastly is it Relavant? As long as there is a NO answer to either one of the questions, then stop on pursuing the "thought", bring it back to current Productive state.
This BAR test is useful even in daily life, practise it....

Digest this and try to practise it will definitely help you in a way if not fully.


My Happy Family

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