Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year 2010!!!!

Time flies....2009 has became the previous chapter of life, 2010 is another new page full with colorful experience to venture, tales to tell, lessons to learn and events for us to feel gratitude.

It has been few years mommy didn't write down the new year resolutions. Yesterday mommy just completed the draft of mommy's personal and our family New Year Resolutions. Wah...there will be new challenges to face and new goals to achieve for Eeanne, above all, the most important is daddy mommy would like to wish Eeanne well, happy and healthy!

2009 flash back...
Of course, there are many good achievement, too long list to jot down here. Overall daddy mommy are quite satisfy with what we had achieved in 2009
So what Eeanne has achieved?
- well...obviously Eeanne's linguistic development is fabulously improved
-Eeanne's singing talent is improving through the year, her favourites are "The whole new world", "Reflection", "Dancing Queen", "Slipping Through my fingers" bla bla bla...of course all are not in full complete song:-P
-Eeanne has become very helpful in gardening and in any activities that mommy did
-Eeanne has develop her own opinion, good in protesting and never give up her right in choosing her favourite TV channels
-Eeanne started her lazy posture, like to lying on the mattress, leaning on the sofa cushion and phobia in taking her shower
-Eeanne had her first "rotan' cane in 2009!!
-Eeanne started her crankiness and often made daddy mommy and even mama to lost temper
-many many mores.....

Besides being grateful on past achievement, do not forget to continually feels gratitude on things to be done or happened in 2010. "Gratitude" is the value that mommy would like to inject into Eeanne's life.. Gratitude manifest in many forms: filial piety, high self-esteem, loving kindness attitude towards own self and others and be responsible are some of the daily useful tools. Mommy daddy will not hope for any returns from Eeanne for what we have done, mommy daddy will only hope that Eeanne to be respectful, filial piety and own responsible.

Let's share this little moral story about gratitude for a good start 2010 (mommy gets this story from uncle Tan's blog which mommy feels it is good to share)

很早以前,一只母羊生了一只小羊羔。羊妈妈非常疼爱小羊,晚上睡觉让它依偎 在身边,用身体暖着小羊,让小羊睡得又熟又香。白天吃草,又把小羊带在身边,形影不离。遇到别的动物欺负小羊,羊妈妈用头抵抗保护小羊。一次,羊妈妈正在 喂小羊吃奶。一只母鸡走过来说:羊妈妈,近来你瘦了很多。吃上的东西都让小羊咂了去。你看我,从来不管小鸡们的吃喝,全由它们自己去扑闹哩。羊妈妈讨 厌母鸡的话,就不客气地说:你多嘴多舌搬弄是非,到头来犯下拧脖子的死罪,还得挨一刀,对你有啥好处?气走母鸡后,小羊说:妈妈,您对我这样疼爱,我怎样才能报答您的养育之恩呢?羊妈妈说:我什么也不要你报答,只要你有这一片孝心就心满意足了。小羊听后,不觉下泪,扑通跪倒在地,表示难以 报答慈母的一片深情。从此,小羊每次吃奶都是跪着。它知道是妈妈用奶水喂大它的,跪着吃奶是感激妈妈的哺乳之恩。这就羊羔跪乳



My Happy Family

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