Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Valentine's and Happy Birthday......

Yesterday was mommy's happiest Valentine's and birthday after all these years of Valentine's/birthday! Last year Eeanne was only 8m+, only an innocent and obedient baby, this year Eeanne is almost 2 y.o. and really brings lots of amusement and wonders to mommy as she is now more responsive and fun to be.

Daddy's morning Valentine's kiss and Eeanne's wishes of "Happy Birthday" have already make a wonderful day start for mommy. We started the day with Eeanne's Valentine's hair cut at Sunway Pyramid's "A Cut Above". When Eeanne was few months old, we sent her to neighborhood saloon for her hair cut and it was really a disaster for her. Each visit ended up with Eeanne's screaming and crying, maybe she just doesn't like the hair stylist who looks not so friendly to her....Ever since then, po po has become Eeanne's new hair stylist, only po po has the authority to put a hand on Eeanne's hair.

Eeanne's hair is too messy now to wait for po po to come from M'cca, this is daddy's brilliant idea to bring Eeanne to this saloon, daddy is the one that get fascinated by the moo moo ride at the saloon that insisted to let Eeanne experience it. Well...Eeanne really relaxed herself and enjoyed the entire process of her hair cut. Don't believe it? you can tell from the below pic.

Can you see me? with the white robe?

cool huh....I like this concept of moo moo's ride....
Before hair cut with daddy and mommy
My new hair stylist..Ms Jeniffer. I'm enjoying...... See....I deserve the service like adults do....
After the hair cut, we had our lunch at Canton-I. As usual, Eeanne had made a mess on the table as well as on the floor, before Eeanne has finish her meal, she already started to stack up her plate, bowl and cup. Mommy really can't stop Eeanne from getting mess on herself as she will never like to wear on her bib...
I like this place, hope all these are mine!!!
Eeanne is always picky on her food, yesterday she had the most variety of food for dinner when we were in Shabu Shabu restaurant. Mommy & daddy are very happy to see Eeanne eating so much after the recovery of her illness.
Don't know since when that Eeanne got the hook on photo shooting. Whenever mommy brings out the camera, Eeanne will start to get ready for her pose....this really amaze mommy...
Eeanne is back to active now after 2 weeks of unwell. We really had a great time on this Valentine....
You have fill mommy's birthday with so much good memories.....You are always mommy's valentine!!!
Thank you for choosing me as your mommy...........

Friday, February 13, 2009

Heart Broken.....

All this while mummy always think everything for Eeanne is trainable at her age, yet now today only mummy and daddy realise that not everything is under our control especiallly Eeanne's emotion......

Eeanne is still not getting well from her fever, cold and wet cough since the last 10 days, her mood is really swinging the whole day. Eeanne gets agitated easily during this one week.

That day was the first time Eeanne throwing her temper to mummy, while mummy was trying to comfort Eeanne, to soothe her from her crying, suddenly Eeanne raised her hand and slapped on mummy by saying "beat mummy"!!!

Mummy get stunned for a while, sad and angry, and really don't know how to react. Eeanne doesn't seems to look guilty on her action, she just kept crying stubbornly.

Suddenly mummy really felt heart broken.....the worry of Eeanne being rebellious storm into mummy's mind. Mummy really wish that this can be put under control and never happen again, but for the next few days, Eeanne was acting the same, easily get agitated and saying the word "beat mummy, beat daddy"... can we do now???

Today, daddy and mummy decided to bring Eeanne to Sunday Dhamma school more often, hopefully by this way able to soothe her temper.

Deep inside mummy's heart, mummy keeps telling herself that Eeanne only acted out of her illness of being not feeling well(which is not her usual self that are cheerful and obedient). Unconciously mummy has forgiven and taken in whatever Eeanne had done....I believe that is what all the great mothers out there are doing too.............

My Happy Family

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