Eeanne’s fever started again on Fri (27/2/09), on the following day midnight, we sent her to Colombia Asia Hospital because Eeanne looked very lethargic and unusually stunned. Upon arrival at the hospital, her temperature was tested at 39.4C! As it was only the 2nd day of the fever, Dr advised to keep monitor her temperature. That night mommy gave Eeanne Diclofenac Supp. 12.5mg on top of Paracetamol syrup. All these medication only last the most 6 hours and the fever still not subsiding till the whole Sunday.
Monday morning, daddy and mommy decided to send Eeanne for a 2nd check, her fever was too high until Eeanne can’t even open her eyes properly. She had not been drinking her milk or eating for 24 hours and must be very dehydrated. While waiting for Eeanne’s turn to see the Dr Cheok at Columbia Asia, Eeanne kept murmuring “see doctor, see doctor” with her 2 eyes half opened.
On the spot, Dr Cheok gave Eeanne another Diclofenac supp. in order to bring down her temperature immediately. Seeing her condition, Dr finally suggested to admitting her!!! Oh...the first thing came across mommy’s mind is the IV drip which mommy herself has phobia on it....
10.30a.m., Mon(2/3) – the trauma started with chest x-ray. The room was so chilled and yet Eeanne had to take out her cloth and forced lying on the reclining bed. Poor Eeanne, she has no idea of what all of us were doing on her, she just yelled and screamed in shock no matter how tight mommy holding her 2 hands. Since then Eeanne was already in the frightened state even though we were already in our bedroom. She just kept crying & crying....The worst thing was yet to insert the cannula into her hands for IV drip! It was tenderly done by the Dr, yet the whole process was really unfriendly and traumatic. Eeanne was forced to be wrapped by the blanket with her right hand exposed, she was trembling, struggling and yelling...this is the first time mommy see Eeanne in such a shock & helpless condition, mommy’s heart really felt pain for Eeanne. Mommy kept holding Eeanne’s head straight to have very close eye contact with her and then started to tell Eeanne her favourite stories of Rapunzel, Cinderalla, Sleeping Beauty..bla bla bla...all in short & quick tone just to distract her from pain. Suddenly Eeanne screamed out “pain pain” when Dr started to prick, her tears shed unstop together with mommy’s tears.
IV Drip
That whole Mon, Eeanne was reluctant to stay in her no. 62 room, she kept saying “go back..go back”.
Eeanne developed the phobia on the nurses’ uniform. Whenever there was one came in, Eeanne started to cry again even before the nurses do anything. Even with the attendant that brought in the food also pose the nightmare for Eeanne.
Eeanne has been crying whole day since admitted
Dr started Eeanne straight on Zinacef IV tds (need to be on 5 days) and oral Zithromax OD besides her other medication like Rhinathiol, Dyphenhydramine & Paracetamol while waiting for blood test & x-ray result. The Zinacef drip ran at 20ml/H (20cc monojet) which is out of the normal practice of 40ml/H. Besides the antibiotic IV drip, Eeanne had to on 24hours glucose/sodium chloride drip due to her over dehydration, this really made Eeanne immobile.
Finally, x-ray results in a big white patch on Eeanne right top lung and blood test shows a raised of white blood cells up to 17 & positive for Microplasma. Eeanne was diagnosed with

1st dose of Zinacef upon admission
Running at extremely low of 20ml/H because Eeanne can't stand the pain
That night, mommy was really emotional, this was the first time mommy cried in front of Eeanne since she was born. That night mommy stayed with Eeanne(mommy slept in the hospital with Eeanne for the whole 5nihgts) and daddy left around 12.30a.m. Seriously Eeanne was very long-winded that she can really cried from the moment of the x-ray until she fell asleep at 10p.m.